Like A Coin

Boss is like a coin. One side's nice, another...just not. when I get reprimanded (or belittled, take a pick), he'll ask ME questions as to what I did wrong. Hmm. I have to work nine hours, so that means its from 8am to 5pm, right? WRONG! It's 8am to 5.45pm?! Thanks, I did read the contract and that's NOT what my contract said, you fat piece of shit! Best of all, he puts on a patronizing friendly tone with you which sounds sarcastic, so you can't talk to him without him making you look and sound like a retarded three year old!

Honestly, I don't fuck around and dilly-dally when I have work, until its done, unlike the rest of my colleagues who surf the net, chat, and do fuck all! And to top it all of, I must now spend an extra 45 minutes doing fuck all and getting caught i the jam! Thanks a lot you pig, I don't want to stay in my office to waste my life!

Btw, this pig also doesn't come in on time, just because he's my senior. I'm getting here at 8.30am now, screw this, I need my sleep. Thank you Anger Central and the webmaster, you'll definitely get that job, good luck!

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