
Dear Fuckface Bob: I spent a long time feeling hurt and angry that you dismissed me, tried to undermine my progress, and resented any small amount of success I might have achieved at your dumpy small time business. Now that I have some much needed perspective on the awful mess, I can't hardly believe I lived that wasted time of four years in your ruthless employ. And yes, I am angry at myself for enduring such silliness when I could have done so much better elsewhere.

But mostly what I feel now is gratitude that your sleazy self and your loudmouth wife rejected me. I consider it high praise and a compliment to myself that you two cheesedick motherfucking lowlifes deemed myself as not worthy of belonging in your skanky league. Drop dead for all I care, but I doubt that will happen. Sadly, the assholes of this world live far too long.

*Note from Anger Central
We changed the heading slightly for filing purposes alone.

Rob..'the pric' 2

Rob...two words....DROP DEAD (..and do it soon). I am sick and tired of your useless sorry waste of skin writing me up for stuff that I didn't do. I am now well aware of how the department operates...meaning that if you haven't worked there for at least 10 years, you are/become the target of being slandered. Rest assured that I am on to your game that is being played....and you are messing with the wrong person. I am sick and tired of being blamed for everyone else's mistakes....why do I get blamed? Still waiting for your reply to that...but why bother, since you have yet to speak any truth as it is. You say that no one wants to work with me because of my attitude. and guess what, I did talk to some of the kind people there, they seem to think you are full of shit. so HA, got people on my side). well, I have only been nothing but kind to you and your post menopausal whores...and this is how I get treated? Even though I have only been with the department for less than six months. I see everyone's true colors. and it scares me. Even when I interviewed for this shitty job with piss poor had a snobby attitude....omg, what the hell was up your ass that day....and did you ever get it attitude has not changed, you are still a prick. You never even made an effort to get to know me, or even be nice to me. From observing how you are...the only thing you seem to know is how to read a here is a visual that your useless self may understand..."picture my hand giving you the one finger salute"....since that is what I think of you. And yes, if you have figured it out by now, I lost all respect for you on the day you started to trash my reputation. Hopefully I will be remembered by the department as a good person...but since that will only be a fantasy.....remember this you jackass...."PAYBACKS ARE A BITCH" will pay for all the tears you caused me to cry. I have all intentions on reporting you to human they know how shady your department is. Please drop dead

sick boss 3

My boss Bob, Wachovia dealer services is a true scumbag of a human. here's some background. I'm a diabetic. Not usually a big deal. Well one day I went blind. not totally blind I could see light but that's was about it. Well I had to first find my phone at 7am not an easy task then I hit redial hoping the last number was my jerk boss and lucky me it was! I then left a message that I was blind and needed to go to the doctor I would not be in but I would let him know what was the out come, kind of important that he should know. It took two days before I could see again. I called each day to keep him updated so far so good. Then upon my return to work, I found out my blindness had become a company joke!? A joke to this day I don't seem to get. and to make it really neat, He would, when no one was around, make more jokes at how me going blind was the funniest thing he had ever herd, just to grind my face into the whole situation. He is a very small person outside of work, people say he is nice and friendly I'm sure, because if he acted like the jerk he is outside of work he wouldn't last too long. All of his employees hate him and Wachovia seems not to be aware of what kind of a-hole they have working for them. He then fired me after telling me how funny me going blind was just so I would have that to remember him by. Wow its amazing how little rights a 10-99 worker has. I only hope someday he forgets where he is and gets pummeled by someone.

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